Houba Plus! Plus! Kaillera 0.148u2 r189
New test version based on MAMEPPK 0.148u2 r189
- Skip_Nagscreens
- Option "Disable Mechanical Drivers" can be configured in the GUI
- No-Buffer Patch (lagless) by trap15
- Resolution fix for NeoGeo games running in 304 pixels wide
- M68000 overclocked to 24Mhz for the following Neogeo games and clones:
* Metal Slug series
* Strikers 1945 Plus
* Shock Troopers 2nd Squad
* Blazing Star
* Pulstar
* Prehistoric Isle 2
- Refresh rate set to 60Hz for the following systems:
* cps1.c
* cps2.c
* cps3.c
* neogeo.c
* pgm.c (cave)
* toaplan1.c
- Support for these extra games:
* "Bang Bang Busters" (NeoGeo)
* "Treasure of the Caribbean" (NeoGeo)
* "Ketsui Arrange 1.5" (hack)
* "Ketsui Mr. Stoic" (hack)
* "Ketsui Back Label" (hack)
* "Ketsui Fast Label" (hack)