Friday, April 13, 2012

Houba Plus! Plus! Kaillera 0.145u6 r150

New test version based on MAMEPPK 0.145u6 r150

- New Skip_Nagscreens code
- Resolution fix for NeoGeo games running in 304 pixels wide
- 33% overclock setting for the following games (and clones):
  * Metal Slug series
  * Strikers 1945 Plus
  * Shock Troopers 2nd Squad
  * Blazing Star
- Refresh rate set to 60Hz for the following systems :
  * cps1.c
  * cps2.c
  * cps3.c
  * neogeo.c
  * pgm.c (cave)
  * toaplan1.c
- pgm driver update (kovshp WIP from XingXing/IQ_132)

And more to come... Enjoy !


  1. Excellent houba !!!!
    parfait, tu remets tes 'améliorations' c'est parfait !!

    merci pour tout !


  2. Thank you!!

    i found some bugs:

    Battle Toads - causes crash
    Strider 2 - no music

  3. Merci ^^

    For information, Battle Toads was fixed in the "u6x" version released a few days ago ;)
    (download page)
